Handout (6.4 MB)
This study describes various machine learning-based approaches (e.g., deep feed forward, convolutional and recurrent networks, Gaussian Process Regression and other kernel methods, etc.) as applied to microwave and infrared (both polar and geo) remote sounding, data assimilation and fusion between NWP forecast and satellite/in situ observations, and predictive tropical cyclone tracking/intensity estimation. Google’s TensorFlow™, Keras, Scikit-Learn and other open-source Python machine learning frameworks are used to build and train machine learning techniques and estimate target parameters using real and simulated dataset inputs and outputs.
In this presentation we will show results of proof of concept algorithms for the above application areas. Our research shows that Deep Neural Network (DNN) inversions of temperature and water profiles, cloud parameters, surface temperature, and spectral emissivity from polar and geo MW and IR satellite observations maintain the performance of traditional 1DVar algorithms using a fraction of computer resources. In addition, we also show how feed forward networks, as well as convolutional and long/short term memory networks can, in theory and practice, be used to accurately correct systematic forecast errors, and predict the time evolution of geophysical parameters such as hurricane track/intensity and 3D winds from satellite and other geophysical inputs. Finally, we will show results of the data fusion between physical based forecast models, simulated and real satellite data, and in situ observations using machine learning techniques.