a mesh of a finite number of triangular elements. The rainfall at the nodes or rain gauge
stations and its x and y co-ordinates were used to determine elemental point rainfall values
via a linear interpolation of these three inputted data sets. Subsequently, the total volume of
rainfall over each element and the mean areal precipitation of each element of the grid were
determined. A decadal (2006-2015) average of monthly rainfall values were used to determine
the areal precipitation of the grid for each month. It was determined that the largest rain
fall month was November with an estimated value of 302 mm and the month of March had
the lowest areal precipitation of approximately 78 mm. Elemental analysis yields the result
that smaller irregularly shaped triangular elements which were located in the mountainous
regions of the domain, have the most differences in their monthly areal precipitation when
compared to the remaining grid elements. The grid was optimised via the configuration and
re-distribution of the nodes. It was determined that for the adjusted grid, there was more
similarity in terms of rainfall patterns for all the months in both the dry and rainy seasons as
well as high and low elevation elements when compared to the initial grid. The Depth- Area
Duration (DAD) Curves were generated for each month and for both seasons. These curves
showed how the average precipitation depth changes with each month for the area span of
the grid. This study is important in hydrological modeling and anaysis as areal precipitation
is needed from point rainfall data. Even though there exist a 75 (1911 - 1985) year Isohyetal
Map for Trinidad, this method provides a gridded network which allows the DAD Curve to
be generated with ease.