Most modeling strategies use look-up tables to prescribe parameters such as leaf area index (LAI) to predict surface energy fluxes of a model’s lower boundary. Typically, this strategy does not produce the most accurate land surface parameters. In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is employed to simulate historical periods (2011-2015) across the NGP. A dynamic crop model from the Noah-MP land surface model is used to simulate the crop growing season. The crop model uses plant growth stages (PGS) to simulate the crop growth process, and PGS are estimated by accumulated growing degree days (GDD). Since PGS are a function of GDD and the relationship can change yearly and by geographical region, a linkage between PGS and GDD is first established for the NGP region. After GDD thresholds for PGS are established, year-long 12-km WRF simulations are investigated with and without the crop model to elucidate changes in surface energy fluxes and to study their impact onto the atmosphere between the differing land surface simulations. In addition, documentation is developed describing the crop model process used within WRF.