To support land data assimilation at the United States Air Force’s 557thWeather Wing, JULES was integrated into LIS to leverage LIS’s capacities of high performance computation, data assimilation, and flow routing. Two LIS-JULES simulations were conducted in the NLDAS framework, one in an aggregated surface mode and the other in a tiled surface mode. In the JULES aggregated surface mode, it is assumed there is only one surface type in a grid box and aggregated parameter values are used to solve a single energy for the grid. In the JULES tiled surface mode, a separate energy balance is calculated for each surface type in the grid, and grid averages are calculated using the fractional percentage of each surface type. Comprehensive evaluation of the simulated water, energy, and carbon fluxes and states (e.g. snow depth, soil moisture contents, latent heat flux, sensible heat flux, and streamflow) from LIS-JULES, against reference datasets and other LSMs are performed in the NLDAS science testbed. The presentation represents the efforts toward establishing standardized land surface model evaluation procedures and highlights the utility of a comprehensive evaluation/benchmarking environment for the systematic assessment of advances in land surface modeling.