The Post-Launch Product Testing (PLPT) effort is led and performed by the Algorithm Working Group (AWG) product science teams as part of the Calibration and Validation Coordination Team (CVCT), which is managed by the Product Readiness and Operations (PRO) team. As issues are uncovered through this validation effort, an Algorithm Discrepancy Report (ADR) is written to track each issue and develop an appropriate resolution. Depending on the nature of the issue, actions may be taken that require algorithm parameter updates, scientific code updates, or ground system configuration updates. Analysis using offline tools - e.g. Algorithm WorkBench (AWB), GOES-R Factory Test System (GFTS) - can be helpful to diagnose problems and verify results prior to ground system implementation. In addition, prior to making any change to the Operational Environment (OE), algorithm updates are tested in the Development Environment (DE) and Integration & Test Environment (ITE), with side-by-side comparisons used to evaluate the changes. With 2 satellites flowing data through the Ground System, updates are carefully developed and tested for the 2 satellite/slot configurations.
This paper focuses on algorithm updates developed through the ADR process, highlighting the contributions from the multiple teams involved. Specific examples are given of the final updates: how they were implemented and verified on the Ground System, both for the operational GOES-East (G16) data processing and the soon-to-be-operational G17 data processing. In addition, this paper discusses the incorporation of new algorithms through the ADR process, as a replacement for existing algorithms or as an upstream data source to existing algorithms.
Algorithm corrections and improvements continue to improve the GOES-16 and GOES-17 products, as we enter a new era of advanced geostationary imagery and space weather measurements for the hemisphere covering the Americas.