Joint Session 3 Understanding Linkages between Drought and Public Health: Can We Improve Drought Early Warning?

Tuesday, 8 January 2019: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
North 228AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Hosts: (Joint between the 10th Conference on Environment and Health; and the 24th Conference on Applied Climatology )
Amanda M. Sheffield, NOAA, NIDIS, La Jolla, CA; Jesse Eugene Bell, North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies, North Carolina State University, Asheville, NC and Nicole A. Wall, Univ. of Nebraska−Lincoln, National Drought Mitigation Center, Lincoln, NE

Over the last century, droughts have caused more deaths internationally than any other weather-related disaster (floods, hurricanes, etc.). Droughts in the United States, however, are not generally thought of as public health threats, even though there are known associations between droughts and negative health outcomes. The often slow onset of drought, compared to other extreme events, makes it difficult to identify the direct linkages between the physical characteristics of drought and societal impacts, as well as impacts that occur after a drought has ended. Recent extreme droughts in the United States caused significant human health outcomes, including decreased water quantity and quality across small water systems, coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) outbreaks in the southwestern United States, increased mortality rates associated with drought, and adverse mental health outcomes as livelihoods are challenged.

By understanding linkages between droughts and human health, we can properly prepare our public health agencies for the health impacts associated with droughts, which, in turn, can reduce health risks and save lives. We seek abstract submissions that investigate the linkages between the physical drivers of drought to the impacts on human health. We encourage submissions to not only be related research, but also applications, such as by public health officials, of such knowledge to reduce health impacts, as well as research that connects to other related climate hazards (such as heat waves and wildfires) connected to public health.

8:30 AM
Preparing for the Health Effects of Drought: A Resource Guide for Public Health Professionals
Tesfaye Bayleyegn, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chamblee, GA; and Z. Jeddy
8:45 AM
Drought and Health Impacts in Arizona
Matthew Roach, Arizona Department of Health Services, Phoenix, AZ; and D. M. Hondula, H. Putnam, and M. Kretschmer
9:00 AM
Assessment of Potential Health Impacts from Extreme and Exceptional Drought, 2012−16
Jennifer Shriber, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA; and J. E. Bell, Z. Jeddy, J. Rennie, and H. Strosnider
9:15 AM
Sensitivity of Airborne Dust to Drought in the U.S. Southwest: What Are the Implications for Public Health under Future Climate Change?
Pattanun Achakulwisut, George Washington Univ., Washington, D.C.; and S. C. Anenberg, J. E. Neumann, S. L. Penn, A. Crimmins, N. Fann, J. Martinich, and L. J. Mickley
9:45 AM
Drought Components Change in Bolivia and Its Societal Impacts as a Response to Climate Change
Azar Mohammad Abadi, Univ. of Nebraska−Lincoln, Lincoln, NE; and C. M. Rowe
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner