Session 4 Latest Tools, Data, Model Results, and Techniques for Understanding, Predicting, and Mitigating the Impact of Turbulence in Aviation—Part I

Tuesday, 8 January 2019: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
North 224B (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Host: 19th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
Stanley B. Trier, NCAR, Boulder, CO and Emily Ranquist, Univ. of Colorado, Aerospace Engineering, Boulder, CO

Turbulence remains major influences on safety, efficiency, and cost in aviation. Relevant turbulence-related topics for this session include research on the interplay and relative contributions of different processes that generate and damp turbulence, what new observations or improvements in physical parameterizations are necessary to improve NWP models’ predictions of turbulent conditions, limits to the predictability of turbulence, and the responses of UAVs and rotorcraft to turbulence.  This session focuses on research (basic and applied) and development rather than operations.

8:30 AM
Relationships between Convection and Commercial Aircraft Turbulence Reports
Dana M. Mueller, NOAA/ESRL/GSD and CIRA, Boulder, CO; and K. R. Fenton Jr., M. S. Wandishin, and M. A. Petty
9:00 AM
New Capabilities of the Graphical Turbulence Guidance (GTG) Product
Wiebke Deierling, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. D. Sharman, D. Muñoz-Esparza, J. Pearson, and G. Meymaris

9:15 AM
Using In-Cloud Turbulence Observations to Improve Nowcasting and Forecasting of Convectively Induced Turbulence
Julia M. Pearson, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and W. Deierling, R. D. Sharman, and G. Meymaris
9:30 AM
Improvement of Nonconvective Aviation Turbulence Forecast in the World Area Forecast System (WAFS)
Jung-Hoon Kim, Colorado State Univ./CIRA, Fort Collins, CO; and R. D. Sharman, M. Strahan, and P. Buchanan
9:45 AM
Toward an ARPEGE-Based Aviation Turbulence Combined Diagnosis
Pierre Crispel, Météo-France, Toulouse, France; and C. Le Bot, O. Jaron, A. Er-Roundi, A. Drouin, and R. D. Sharman
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner