Monday, 7 January 2019: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
North 221C (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Hosts: (Joint
between the Seventh Symposium on the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise;
and the 28th Symposium on Education
Stephen E. Zebiak, IRI, Columbia Univ., Palisades, NY
Cynthia Thomson, 1200 Amsterdam Ave, Climate and Society Program, New York, NY; Corey Gabriel, University of California, San Diego, SCRIPPS; Roberto J. Mera, North Carolina State University, Climate Change and Society Program; Miriam Bertram, University of Washington, Program on Climate Change and Abraham Henn, North Arizona University, Climate Science and Solutions Program
Businesses, resource and infrastructure managers, and policy makers increasingly require the translation of knowledge about the climate system into actionable information. Effective systems for developing and delivering this information can help individuals, communities, government agencies, and private sector firms manage risks and seize opportunities associated with weather and climate.
The goals of the Symposium are:
- to highlight the need for actionable climate information across a range of sectors, including energy, water, agriculture, and municipal planning
- to highlight the academic institutions that are developing programs to address the diverse needs for climate information
- to identify entry points for students and early-career scientists to engage in the climate information services enterprise
- to identify gaps in current knowledge, capacity and action in advancing climate information services, and the role of all institutions, including AMS, in addressing them.
We invite a wide range of AMS members to attend and participate, especially students and early-career scientists looking to gain further insight into this rapidly expanding field.
2:00 PM
Findings from Themed Joint Session Mind the Gap: Preparing Students for Careers in the Private Sector