363401 Integration of 3D-Printed Weather Stations into a College-Level Atmospheric Instrumentation Course

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B1 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Robin Tanamachi, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN

In Fall 2019, Purdue University piloted the use of an open-source 3D-printed weather station (3D-PAWS) in a new, sophomore-level atmospheric instrumentation course (EAPS 22700). The rationale for this project was to enhance student learning of atmospheric instrumentation using project-based and team-based learning. Within these frameworks, students were assigned to teams, and each team charged with assembling and testing a different sensor on the 3DPAWS. These measurements were then calibrated against another 3DPAWS assembled by the instructor and a graduate teaching assistant. Impacts on the students were assessed by pre- and post-course questionnaires. Lessons learned during this pilot program will be shared in this presentation.
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