1256 What Instruction Method Enhances Understanding of Fundamental Concepts in an Introductory Meteorology Course?

Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Montana Etten-Bohm, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and D. T. Conlee

Handout (203.8 kB)

In meteorology, fundamental concepts taught at the introductory level are often misunderstood. Current teaching practices often rely on the traditional technique of lecture-based teaching, but perhaps incorporating different teaching/learning methods could help address this issue. In hopes to improve comprehension, this study assesses four different teaching/learning strategies, including think-pair-share/peer instruction (interactive instruction), role-playing (interactive instruction), games (experiential learning) and lecture (direct instruction), through review sessions in an introductory meteorology class at Texas A&M University. Each session is randomly assigned a different method, but all taught by the same lecturer. Each method is assessed through pre- and post-session surveys as well as pre- and post-course feedback.

Previous studies suggest that active and experiential learning will likely be more effective than the traditional teaching method of lecture-based learning. Because students in meteorology are often so passionate for the subject, students thrive when they learn from each other through techniques like think-pair-share and peer instruction. This study hopes to find and improve on new ways of teaching to ultimately enhance undergraduate education, specifically at the introductory level.

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