In this study a notable lake effect snow event from 12/25/2017 is evaluated for sensitivities to PBL parameterization and vertical resolution. Two candidate PBL schemes for evaluation include the hybrid Eddy Diffusivity Mass Flux (HYB-EDMF) scheme, which relies on Prandtl number relationships and a height varying eddy-diffusivity profile—calculated differently based on PBL regime—to determine eddy diffusivity. The second scheme is the Scale Aware-TKE EDMF (SAT-EDMF), which uses the Turbulent Kinetic Energy explicitly to calculate eddy diffusivity. The SAT-EDMF PBL also enhances buoyancy as a result of including the process of condensation inside the heat flux term. The vertical resolutions tested in conjunction with the different PBL configurations include those based off current operational systems (e.g. GFS and NAM). Sources of data to be used for evaluation include Multi-Range Multi-Sensor (MRMS) radar reflectivity and snow analysis from the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center’s National Snowfall Analysis.