883 The Response of the Polar Vortex to Tropospheric Temperature Eddies in an Idealized General Circulation Model

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Thomas S. Ehrmann, LLNL, Livermore, CA; and S. J. Colucci

A dry-core idealized general circulation model with a stratospheric polar vortex in the northern hemisphere is run with a combination of basic topography, and tropospheric temperature perturbations, each located in the northern hemisphere with a zonal wave number of one. The phase difference between the eddy temperature wave and the topography are varied to understand what effect this has on the occurrence of polar vortex displacements. Geometric moments are used to identify the centroid of the polar vortex for the purposes of classifying whether or not the polar vortex is displaced. Displacements of the polar vortex are a response to increased tropospheric wave activity. Compared to a model run with only topography, the likelihood of the polar vortex being displaced increases when the warm region is located west of the topography peak, and decreases when the cold region is west of the topography peak. This response from the polar vortex is because of how the temperature eddies modulate the vertically propagating wave activity. When the southerly winds on the western side of the topographically forced anticyclone is collocated with warm or cold temperature eddies the vertical wave activity flux in the troposphere becomes more positive or negative, respectively. This is in line with recent reanalysis studies which showed that anomalous warming west of the surface pressure high, in the climatological standing wave, precedes polar vortex disturbances.
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