717 Climatological Data Applied in a Rules-Based Tactical Decision Aid

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Subing Zeng, U.S. Department of Defense, Adelphi, MD

Climatological data applied in a rules-based tactical decision aid

Subing Zeng, Jeffrey O. Johnson

U.S. Army Research Laboratory

100th AMS Annual Meeting on Applied Climatology

A decision support system that couples climatological data with system-specific environmental rules – Climatological My Weather Impacts Decision Aid (ClimoMyWIDA) - has been developed by the US Army Research Laboratory. It is a web-service based application, applies meteorological-gridded data and shows the weather impacts on selected assets on an overlay map. ClimoMyWIDA currently operates on reanalysis type of data in GRIB1 format and makes use of climatological data sets provided by NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis I (1948-present) and NCEP/DOE Reanalysis II (1979-present). In addition to demonstrated data uses, other data formats such as GRIB2/NetCDF and more climatological data sources can be supported by the application. With web service components, ClimoMyWIDA can be integrated into other systems easily as well, providing a strategic-level decision aid for battlefield commanders.

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