906 HAPS (High Altitude Pseudo Satellite) UAS for Atmospheric Research—Demonstration and Outlook

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Ru-Shan Gao, ESRL, Boulder, CO; NOAA, Boulder, CO; and K. H. Rosenlof, T. Thornberry, A. W. Rollins, P. Hall, and J. R. Walker

More than a half dozen solar-powered long-endurance UAS (HAPS) are either currently on the market or under development. Mostly intended for communications and surveillance, these UAS can stay aloft at high altitude (> 18 km) for days to weeks or even months at a time. With these capabilities, HAPS UAS have the potential to serve as useful platforms for Earth system observations and climate/atmospheric research. The NOAA UAS Program Office recognizes the potential for HAPS-based observations and is planning a 2-year pilot project with ESRL CSD to demonstrate HAPS capabilities for atmospheric research. In this talk the prospective project scope and progress will be presented. Furthermore, we will discuss a few scientific mission concepts that are uniquely suitable for a HAPS platform.
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