719 Climate4Cities: City Data Explorer Tools Demonstration

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Natalie A. Umphlett, Univ. of Nebraska—Lincoln, Lincoln, NE; and M. Shulski, T. Abdel-Monem, Z. Tang, and F. Uhlarik

Over the past three years, researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the City of Lincoln have been working to understand and respond to climate-related issues of communities across the lower Missouri River Basin (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska). One outcome of this NOAA SARP-funded work is a suite of online tools that helps communities explore their historic and future climate trends, as well as planning documents. The tools, which cover the ten states of the Missouri River Basin, can be accessed here: https://hprcc.unl.edu/climate4cities/index.php. This demonstration will give attendees a chance to view and test-drive the suite of tools with a Climate4Cities project team member.
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