To evaluate the skill of the LIM and to contrast our LIM-based signal-to-noise skill forecasting technique with a traditional spread-skill relationship, cross-validated hindcasts generated using the LIM are compared to bias-corrected WCRP Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction Project ECWMF (1997-2016) and NCEP CFSv2 (1999-2010) winter season hindcasts. The LIM is constructed from Japanese Reanalysis (JRA-55, 1979-2016) and accounts for interactions between tropical heating, mean-sea level pressure (MSLP), and extratropical tropospheric and stratospheric circulation variability. Skill is evaluated for anomalous MSLP and 500 hPa geopotential height.
For all three models, we find that while median forecast skill at leads beyond Week 3 is quite low, a small subset of forecasts has notably higher skill occurring more frequently than expected from random chance. For example, forecasts initialized for the upper 10% of LIM signal-to-noise ratio yield actual LIM and ECMWF Week 5 Pacific MSLP forecast skills in the 0.5-0.6 range, while the remaining 90% of forecasts yield skills of only 0.1-0.15. In general, we find that the LIM-based skill forecasts are superior to those based on a standard spread-skill relationship. Similar results are achieved for the North Atlantic basin.