5.3 Lessons Learned in Latin America from the WMO/ICAO Space Weather Services Initiative (Invited Presentation)

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 9:00 AM
205A (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Joaquim E.R. Costa, INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil; and J. E. R. Costa, C. M. D. Nardin, J. Valdivia, S. Dasso, J. A. Gonzalez-Esparza, A. Meza, M. P. Natali, and L. P. O. Mendoza

Important research areas, with national and international initiatives to implement instruments and develop science related to space wether in Latin America, have been a great experience for developing knowledge in the region. In the recent past, solar-terrestrial physics has devoted itself especially to pure science and, with ICAO / WMO, its training for "next-generation of environmental services”, also following Best Practices provided by WMO partners within the aviation sector or among other UN and ISES discussion’s groups.

We will present a brief report on Latin America's efforts and cooperation on space weather services. Some services such as EMBRACE (Brazil), SCIESMEX (Mexico), LAMP and MAGGIA Laboratory to the Space Weather (Argentina) and Space Climate Laboratory (Chile) have already started providing prediction, user watches, alerts and indices for alerts, as well as data distribution. New missions in satellites such as SPORT and COSMIC 2 together with ground instruments being exchanged is fostering the already existent cooperations.

Many actions have recently been taken to promote Latin America’s timeframe by these centres in training, data exchange, expertise, and instruments by signing cooperation agreements. There is now a plan to make an alliance of these four members to strengthen services for the region.

We aim to join efforts to develop a training plan by mapping skills and knowledge that should be addressed within the potential competencies defined for space weather related to operational services within our programs. This joint effort should also benefit from their specialization in best practices for face-to-face and online training, including learning strategies and assessment and use of training resources.

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