Monday, 13 January 2020: 8:30 AM
258B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Highlights from the past year will be presented, including an overview of the latest upgrade to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)'s Integrated Forecasting System. This resulted in significantly improved global medium-range weather forecasts, with new features such as a more continuous data assimilation and a new physics package. ECMWF is a highly collaborative organization and some of the diverse work that we have contributed to in 2019 will be briefly presented. An update will be given on ECMWF's High Performance Computing (HPC) plans, along with further information on the next proposed model upgrade. Finally, ECMWF's long-term strategy sets out ambitious goals for the coming years, with plans to move towards seamless ensembles based on more complete Earth-system models and assimilation systems. Some of the main science challenges will be identified, including adaptation of codes and techniques to work efficiently on computer architectures of the future. As we start to plan ahead even further to 2030, we now have an opportunity to share with you some of our main priorities over the coming decade. Our vision for the future requires collaboration and partnership across not only the traditional Numerical Weather Prediction community, but also increased linkage between physical and computational science disciplines.