The Maritime Continent and Indo-Pacific tropical warm pool regions are a global nexus of deep, moist convection that is generated and maintained on multiple spatial and temporal scales. Understanding tightly linked land, oceanic, and atmospheric processes that control the growth and variability of this convection as well as relevant cloud-aerosol processes and air-sea interactions is the focus of numerous recent field campaigns (e.g. CAMP2Ex, CHECSM, DIMOP, MISO-BOB, PISTON, SCSTIMX, YMC). Understanding these multi-scale processes in coupled Earth-system numerical models is vital for improving atmospheric predictability. This session solicits contributions with foci in observations, numerical modeling, or theory related to terrestrial, oceanic and/or atmospheric processes that impact or are influenced by convection over the Indo-Pacific warm pool and Maritime Continent. Contributions related to aforementioned field campaigns that address sub-seasonal-to-seasonal variability of convection and related cloud, aerosol, land, and ocean processes are especially encouraged.