Joint Poster Session 2 Land Surface Modeling and Remote Sensing—Posters (Joint between the Robert Dickinson Symposium and the 34th Conference on Hydrology)

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Hall B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Robert Dickinson Symposium
Xubin Zeng, Univ. of Arizona, Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, Tucson, AZ

Joint poster session

Toward a New Subgrid Structure of Vegetation Canopies in Land Surface Modeling
Hua Yuan, Sun Yat-sen Univ., Guangzhou, China; and Y. Dai, R. E. Dickinson, S. Zhang, W. Shangguan, S. Liu, X. Lu, and N. Wei

What Have We Learned about Land Skin Temperature?
Menglin S. Jin, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD; and S. Liang and J. M. Shepherd

Desert Amplification and Its Diurnal Cycle
Liming Zhou, Univ. at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY

Modeling Variably Saturated Flow in Stratified Soils with Explicit Tracking of Wetting Front and Water Table Locations
Yongjiu Dai, Sun Yat-sen Univ., Guangzhou, China; and S. Zhang, H. Yuan, and N. Wei

Warming Pattern of Surface and Air Temperature over China during the Last Five Decades and Its Representation in the Atmospheric Reanalyses Abstract
Kaicun Wang, Beijing Normal Univ., Beijing, Beijing, China; Beijing Normal Univ., Beijing, China; and C. Zhou and J. Du

A Microbial-Explicit Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition Model (MESDM) Coupled with Noah-MP: Development and Testing in Semiarid Grasslands
Xia Zhang, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; and G. Y. Niu

Ground Heat Flux Determination Based on Near-Surface Soil Thermodynamics Estimated from In Situ Measurements
Huiling Yuan, Nanjing Univ., Nanjing, China; and B. Wu, S. P. Oncley, and F. Chen

Improving Mesoscale Weather Simulations through Updated Land-Use and Vegetation Information
Hossein Lotfi, Mississippi State Univ., Starkville, MS; and J. L. Dyer

Integrated Soil Physical Schemes in Land Surface Modeling over the Tibetan Plateau
Baoqiang Wu, Nanjing Univ., Nanjing, China; and H. Yuan, F. Chen, and M. Barlage

Exploring Topography-Based Methods for Downscaling Precipitation for Use in Earth System Modeling
Teklu K. Tesfa, PNNL Hydrology Group, Richland, WA; and L. Y. R. Leung and S. Ghan

Finescale Variability in Vegetation Cover over the Southern Great Plains Using High-Resolution Satellite Images: A Case Study
Duli Chand, PNNL, Richland, WA; and L. K. Berg, J. Tagestad, C. N. Long, A. A. Matthews, S. L. Tai, Z. Yang, and J. D. Fast

Implementation and Evaluation of Plant Hydraulics and Hydraulic Redistribution in the Common Land Model (CoLM)
Xingjie Lu, Sun Yat-sen Univ., Guangzhou, China; and S. Zhu, S. Zhang, N. Wei, H. Yuan, W. Shangguan, S. Liu, and Y. Dai

Evaluation of Soil Thermal Conductivity Schemes for Use in Land Surface Modeling
Yongjiu Dai, Sun Yat-sen Univ., Guangzhou, China; and N. Wei, H. Yuan, S. Zhang, W. Shangguan, S. Liu, and X. Lu

How Does Land Affect Atmospheric Processes at Diurnal to Seasonal Scales?
Xubin Zeng, The Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and J. S. Welty and P. D. Broxton

Why Do Land Surface Models Produce a Low Ratio of Transpiration to Evapotranspiration?
Guo-Yue Niu, The Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and L. Chang and Y. Fang

Future Resilient Land-Use Visions for Valdivia, Chile
Ahmed Mustafa, The New School, New York, NY; and E. Cook, T. McPhearson, O. Barbosa, T. Munoz-Erickson, M. Berbés-Blázquez, N. Grimm, and D. M. Iwaniec

Develop the Plant Hydrodynamics in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
Lingcheng Li, The Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX; and Z. L. Yang, A. M. Matheny, H. Zheng, S. C. Swenson, D. Lawrence, M. Barlage, and B. Yan

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner