While plans for the full complement of instruments to fly on the GOES-R series are subject to change, this poster describes the instruments currently baselined for the series. The Advanced Baseline Imager is a state of the art, 16-channel imager covering 6 visible to near-IR bands (0.47 um to 2.25 um), and 10 infrared (IR) bands (3.9 um to 13.3 um). Spatial resolutions are band dependent, 0.5 km at nadir for broadband visible, 1.0 km for near IR and 2.0 km for IR. The ABI will be capable of scanning the Full Disk (FD) in approximately 5 minutes. ABI will improve every product from the current GOES Imager and will introduce a host of new products possible. Current products include: retrieved Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs), Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPEs), cloud parameters, clear-sky radiances, and surface (skin) temperature; and detection and characterization of fires, volcanic ash, fog and (experimentally) cloud-top information. ABI will also provide cloud-top phase/particle size information and much improved snow detection, aerosol and smoke detection for air quality monitoring and forecasts. Other new products include vegetation monitoring and upper-level SO2 detection.
The Geostationary Lightning Mapper will complement today's operational ground based lightning detection systems, which only provide information on cloud to ground strikes over land, with information on total lightning flash rate (including both cloud to cloud and cloud to ground), over both land and adjacent oceans. It is anticipated that the GLM data will have immediate applications to aviation weather services, climatological studies, and severe thunderstorm forecasts and warnings.
Instrumentation on GOES-R to monitor the highly-variable solar and near-Earth space environment continues a long history of space weather observations from the GOES program. These observations are used to protect life and property of those adversely impacted by space weather conditions. The expanded services from GOES-R will improve our opportunity to support forecasters at NOAA's Space Environment Center; customers in other government agencies, such as DOD and NASA; commercial users of space weather services; and international space environment services.
Additional capabilities include an improved user services, such as GOES-R ReBroadcast (GRB), Search and Rescue (SAR), Data Collection System (DCS), Emergency Managers Weather Information Network and Low Rate Information Transmission (LRIT).