25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Thursday, 2 May 2002: 11:15 AM
Effects of the Sea Surface Temperature on Meridonal Pressure Gradients in the Eastern Pacific
Michael Gerald McGauley, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL
Poster PDF (178.3 kB)
During the EPIC2001 project cross-sectional analysis along the 95W transect of the eastern pacific was performed from the equator to 12 degress north. Analysis was conducted on both the atmosphere and ocean using atmospheric dropsondes from a height of 6000 meters and ocean probes designed to provide high resolution profiles to depths of over 400 meters. To gain a better insight of how the ocean influences the climate dynamics of the Eastern Pacific the probes were deployed during the same time frame and along the same transect operational moorings (TAO moorings) were currently situated. It is the purpose of this paper to interpret the data from this field project, compare it to a more general profile derived from previous data and suggest possible reasons for any differences or similarities. These comparisons will then be used to further stengthen or weaken arguments pertaining to the InterTropical Convergence Zone strength and location, climatic responses to easterly waves and other synoptic disturbances and effects of boundary layer parameters to overall general circulation.

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