25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Tuesday, 30 April 2002: 9:45 AM
Single column model test of the parameterization of convective momentum transport by tropical convective systems
Guang J. Zhang, SIO/Univ. of California, La Jolla, CA
Tropical convective systems transport a significant amount of momentum vertically. However, few GCMs incorporate it due to the difficulty in parameterizing it. A recent study using month-long cloud-resolving model simulation shows that the simulated convective momentum transport and the role of convection-generated pressure field are well represented by the parameterization scheme of Zhang and Cho. To further test this parameteriation scheme before it is incorporated into full GCMs, we use the NCAR CCM3 single column model to examine its effect on the momentum field. The single column model simulation will cover the TOGA COARE period. The apparent momentum source from both the observational analysis and cloud resolving model simulation will be used to compare with the single column model simulation. Sensitivity of the parameterized momentum transport to convective updrafts and downdrafts will be investigated. The details will be presented in the meeting.

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