25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Friday, 3 May 2002: 10:15 AM
A numerical simulation of the landfall tropical cyclones
Xudong Liang, Shanghai Typhoon Institute, Shanghai, China; and J. C. L. Chan
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Ooyama(1969), Rosenthal (1971), Tuleya (1978) and Tuleya(1984) have investigated the sensitivity of tropical cyclones to surface boundary conditions when and after TC landfall using numerical model. Recently, Powell (1998), Powell (1996), Geerts£¨2000£© and Blackwell (2000) shown some interesting phenomena during the TC landfall.

However, the underlying physical processes are still not clearly understood, except the topographical feature, the momentum, moisture and sensible heat flux varying form sea to land are directly affect the landfall TC. So how does the landfall TC response to each of these PBL feature and how do these features affect landfall TC? The answer is not very clear. Therefore, some experiments are carried out in this study using MM5 model to give some more details about the effects of the changes of PBL conditions from sea to land to the landfall TC.

In this study, the interactions between landfall TC and the difference of sensible-heat flux, moisture flux and momentum flux from sea to land are investigated respectively and some results are different to those in Tuleya (1978) and Tuleya (1984). The primary experiments indicate that the larger friction on the land and less moisture availability on the land than those on the sea surface are not always unfavorable to TC°¯s development when TC landfall. Meanwhile, the maximum rainfall (shown as Fig. 1) is not always occurs in the right hand of TC track when TC landfall as that in Tuleya (1978) and Tuleya (1984). Meanwhile, analysis is done in this study to explain these differences and shown the changes during TC landfall associated the PBL parameters.

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