Handout (3.5 MB)
This study will assess the ability of two Ka-band mobile Doppler radars (TTUKa) to observe the turbulence characteristics of thunderstorm outflow. TTUKa-derived turbulence intensities and gust factors within three internal rear-flank downdraft (RFD) surges of the 18 May 2010 Dumas, Texas supercell observed by VORTEX2 will be presented in an effort to gauge the influence of interaction with the surface on the intensity and behavior of the surges. Additionally, turbulence characteristics from the Dumas supercell will be compared to those calculated from single-Doppler plan position indicator scans (PPIs) and dual-Doppler syntheses at a low elevation angle collected within the outflow of a mesoscale convective system on 15 June 2012 at the Texas Tech University Wind Science and Engineering Field Site west of Lubbock, Texas. The location of the 15 June TTUKa deployment allows turbulence intensities and gust factors calculated from Doppler radar observations to be compared to point measurements by a 200 m instrumented tower located within the dual-Doppler domain.