In this work, a newly proposed multiscale data assimilation technique [1] is used to estimate local aerosol fluxes emitted from a two-dimensional atmospheric boundary. Here the local aerosol fluxes near the boundary serve as the microscale state and their fluxes at a height above the boundary as the macroscale state. Model states in different scales, related through an interscale bridging model, are coupled to form an extended state. An advanced data assimilation method, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) [2,3], is applied to update the extended model state, from which updated states in different scales can then be extracted. This data assimilation approach is appropriate for computationally multiscale systems where observables in different scales have the same dimension and can thus be coupled to form a meaningful extended state.
In this paper, we use Wilson's model to simulate intensities of vertical wind velocities, and use independent Brownian motions to simulate horizontal wind velocities. Macroscale aerosol fluxes can then be predicted from the microscale counterparts via this wind velocity field, thus forming an interscale bridging. The study shows that the Bayesian estimates of updated microscale aerosol fluxes close to macroscale measurement locations approach true values and their error variances have a tendency to decay. However, estimation of microscale fluxes in locations far from the macroscale measurements is poorly performed, which reminds importance of layout and quantities of macroscale measurements. This approach is also used in this study to estimate diffusion coefficients of Brownian motions of horizontal wind velocities.
[1] Y. Zou and R. Ghanem, 2004, SIAM Journal of Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 3(1), 131-150. [2] G. Evensen, 1994, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 10143-10162. [3] R. Miller, M. Ghil and F. Gauthiez, 1994, J. Atmospheric Sci., 51, 1037-1056.