Wednesday, 26 April 2006: 4:45 PM
Big Sur (Hyatt Regency Monterey)
Chung-Lin Shie, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt and Univ. of Maryland, Greenbelt, MD; and W. K. Tao, A. Y. Hou, and X. Lin
Presentation PDF
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The GCE (Goddard Cumulus Ensemble) model, which has been developed and improved at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center over the past two decades, is considered as one of the finer and state-of-the-art CRMs (Cloud Resolving Models) in the research community. As the chosen CRM for a NASA Interdisciplinary Science (IDS) Project, GCE has recently been successfully upgraded into an MPI (Message Passing Interface) version with which great improvement has been achieved in computational efficiency, scalability, and portability. By basically using the large-scale temperature and moisture advective forcing, as well as the temperature, water vapor and wind fields obtained from TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) field experiments such as SCSMEX (South China Sea Monsoon Experiment) and KWAJEX (Kwajalein Experiment), our recent 2-D and 3-D GCE simulations were able to capture detailed convective systems typical of the targeted (simulated) regions. The GEOS-3 [Goddard EOS (Earth Observing System) Version-3] reanalysis data have also been proposed and successfully implemented for usage in the proposed/performed GCE long-term simulations (i.e., aiming at producing massive simulated cloud data -- Cloud Library) in compensating the scarcity of real field experimental data in both time and space (location).
Preliminary 2-D or 3-D pilot results using GEOS-3 data have generally showed good qualitative agreement (yet some quantitative difference) with the respective numerical results using the SCSMEX observations. The first objective of this paper is to ensure the GEOS-3 data quality by comparing the model results obtained from several pairs of simulations using the real observations and GEOS-3 reanalysis data. The different large-scale advective forcing obtained from these two kinds of resources (i.e., sounding observations and GEOS-3 reanalysis) has been considered as a major/critical factor in producing various model results. The second objective of this paper is therefore to investigate and present such an impact of large-scale forcing on various modeled quantities (such as hydrometeors, rainfall, and etc.). A third objective is to validate the overall GCE 3-D model performance by comparing the numerical results with sounding observations, as well as available satellite retrievals.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner