Handout (157.2 kB)
The likelihood that winds of a given strength will occur are shown in colour-coded 5% bands from 1% to 100%. The wind speed probabilities are computed by modelling and combining the errors in the forecast track position with the errors in the forecast extent of winds in each storm quadrant. The modelling is performed separately for each forecast lead time. Errors are computed and modelled from the official forecast advisories issued in 2004. A latitude-longitude grid resolution of 0.2 x 0.2 degree (~22km) is employed throughout. The product is designed for clarity and utility and adds a new dimension to tropical storm tracking and risk assessment. Previously decision makers could only guess at the chance that a given location would be struck by damaging winds from an active tropical cyclone. This new quantitative tool allows users to see this likelihood at a glance out to 5 days lead. The product will help to reduce risk and uncertainty associated with active tropical storms worldwide.
Supplementary URL: http://www.tropicalstormrisk.com