9A.3 The influences of model resolution to TC track and intensity prediction of GRAPES_TYM

Wednesday, 1 July 2015: 10:45 AM
Salon A-2 (Hilton Chicago)
Suhong Ma, NWPD/NMC/Beijing, Beijing, China

TThe influences of model horizontal and vertical resolutions to TC track and intensity forecast are tested using GRAPES_TYM. The experiments are carried out for two vertical resolutions L31/L51 and three horizontal resolutions 15km/12km/9km. The results from 20TCs show that the higher vertical resolution (L51) could reduce the northward bias of TC track through producing stronger subtropical high and the mean track errors are reduced compared with lower vertical resolution (L31) and the TC intensity from L51 are stronger. For three different horizontal resolutions, there are no obviously differences for TC track; For the intensity, the higher resolution produces much more stronger TC especially when the resolution increases to 9km. The positive bias for intensity from 9km is much larger compared with 12km and 15km.
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