Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Arizona Ballroom 7 (JW MArriott Starr Pass Resort)
Handout (1.5 MB)
This machine is patented # 7434524, ABSTRACT A important part of any geo-engineering plan is the ability to turn it off. This method can be instantly turned-off with out any residual effects. It is the goal of this machine to change a hurricane into a tropical storm. It is not the goal of this machine to steer a hurricane away from one area into another. Every year on earth there are on average 90 hurricanes. On average one tropical storm or hurricane makes landfall in the U.S./year. Changing on average the one hurricane that hits America/year would not effect overall climate patterns on earth. Hurricanes have four essential elements, a central low pressure, wind, humid air, and structure. If one or more of these essential elements are removed the hurricane will cease to exist. What if we could use all four of the essential elements of a hurricane to help get rid of one essential element of a hurricane? What if we could use the wind, humid air, central low pressure, and structure to remove the central low pressure? With the central low pressure removed rotation around the center will end and the hurricane will cease to exist. It is the primary goal of this machine to remove the central low pressure of the hurricane system, the machine would accomplish this ambitious task in four primary ways. 1. The machine would divert the hurricane eyewall into and away from the hurricane eye. 2. The machine would slow down the air in the eyewall allowing the low pressure in the eye to suck it in. 3. The machine would mechanically blow air from the eyewall to the eye. 4. The machine would cause different parts of the eyewall to turn at different rates. Hurricanes contribute to global warming in five primary ways. 1.) Hurricanes cause huge amounts deforestation. The dead trees killed by hurricanes release there carbon to the atmosphere. Also trees are earths natural shade. When hurricanes kill them it causes the earth to get hotter in the daytime than release the extra heat at night contributing to global warming. The dead trees killed by hurricanes don't do any photosynthesis. Photosynthesis soaks up heat from sunlight, it also soaks up carbon and water vapor from the atmosphere all of which contribute to global warming. 2.) Hurricanes are the ultimate dehumidifier, the fuel for a hurricane is humid air. When hurricanes dehumidify the air it allows more sun to hit the ocean causing it to warm up. Humid air is a natural shade for the ocean. When the air in a hurricane eyewall rises it dehumidifies, than it comes rushing down as a huge hot dry high pressure allowing the sun to bake the ocean unrestricted by the normally high humidity above the it. 3.) A hurricane transfers energy from the hot humid air to the ocean thought friction between the water and the wind. The big waves and the storm surge eventually turn into heat. 4.) The rain from a hurricane falling on the ocean causes the water to warm up. The massive amount of rain drops moving at a high velocity colliding with the ocean causes it to warm up. 5.) The waves, storm surge and rain from hurricanes causes massive amounts of erosion blocking sunlight to plankton. When plankton does not get enough sunlight it does not soak up heat and carbon and make oxygen. The sunlight that should go to the plankton gets soaked up by the dark muddy water making the ocean hotter than it should be. As a result less plankton and dead fish sink to the bottom of the ocean storing less carbon. It becomes a vicious cycle. Hurricanes heat the ocean which causes more hurricanes that heat the ocean even more. The easiest solution to the problem is to get rid of hurricanes. Contact: brian334@peoplepc.com website: bsandler.com
Supplementary URL: http://bsandler.com