The Naval Research Laboratory in Monterey, CA and the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) in Madison, WI combined to create a suite of satellite products; 1) visible, infrared (IR), and water vapor imagery over synoptic, mesoscale and storm-specific domains, 2) geostationary-derived cloud and water vapor-tracked winds, 3) microwave enhanced imagery and products highlighting atmospheric moisture over large domains as well as storm-focused rainband and eyewall feature structure, 4) wind shear, convergence and divergence fields, 5) ocean surface winds from scatterometer and polarimetric radiometers, and 6) TC intensity estimates via microwave and IR algorithms. Products were made available to field program scientists via dedicated web pages, ftp and automated email alerts, including for the first time Google Earth dedicated products permitting enhanced geographical orientation, display and visualization. Digital data was also routinely available via a central catalog at the Earth Observation Laboratory (EOL) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) for both real-time utilization and archive purposes.
The satellite suite includes the MTSAT geostationary sensor, the operational and research constellation of microwave polar orbiters (SSM/I, SSMIS, AMSR-E, TMI, and WindSat), microwave sounders (AMSU-A/B, SSMIS, and MHS), scatterometers (QuikSCAT and ASCAT), as well as multiple radars (TRMM precipitation radar and CloudSat). Data latencies ranging from minutes to 1-4 hours enabled the TCS-08 personnel to gather a full range of environmental information in order to address the extensive near real-time and longer term research initiatives as funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).