Major sources of uncertainty in TC forecasts are from initial conditions and model errors. Ensemble forecasts can be generated by perturbing model initial conditions or model physics. To understand the uncertainty due to physical parameterizations of microphysics and planetary boundary layer, we first generate probabilistic forecasts using the 5th generation PSU-NCAR mesoscale model (MM5) with multi-nested model grids of 12, 4, and 1.3 km resolution. The ensemble members consist of various microphysical and PBL parameterizations. Probabilities are calculated at each verification time (12 hourly) over a 5-day forecast period (or until a TC dissipation at landfall). The ensemble forecasts are evaluated using the Brier Score (Ferro 2007, Hamill 2008) and reliability diagrams as described by Kay and Brooks (2000). The Brier Score is defined as BS = 1/n ∑ (Pi Oi)2 where n is the number of cases or grid points, Pi is the probability for each case, and Oi is one or zero depending on whether or not an event occurred. A typical reliability diagram shows the skill of forecasts (e.g., under or over-predict the reality). Both satellite estimated rainfall and H*WIND data are interpolated to 0.05ox0.05o resolution grids over a 10ox10o area centered around a storm. The probabilities of specific model forecast rainfall accumulation and wind speed thresholds (i.e. tropical storm or hurricane force winds of 34 and 64 kts, respectively) are compared with the observed frequency at each grid point.
Preliminary results from Hurricanes Ike and Paloma (2008), as well as Typhoon Choi-wan (2009) indicate that a major part of the forecast uncertainty in surface wind and rainfall are due to variations in track forecasts. A conditional probability is computed by using storm-relative distributions of rain and wind from the ensemble forecasts. The ensemble probabilities tend to over predict rain. This is partially due to the rain probabilities being spread over a larger area due to the track spread. There is less of an over-prediction with the conditional probability. Verification of the surface wind probabilities is currently ongoing. Very preliminary results show some over prediction of the surface wind. Ensemble forecasts from perturbation of initial conditions will be added to in the near future.