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Based on the Alfaro and Gomes 2001 (AG01) parameterisation and on ATR-42 measurements, a new scheme of dust size distribution has been constructed by summing 3 modes (a coarse mode derived from AG01, a finer mode derived from observations and a mode in-between common to observations and AG01). This multimodal log-normal distribution has been developed and implemented to modelize an intense African dust event that has been observed over Niger from 9 to14 June 2006. The results indicate that the present modelled emission and transport yield a mass and number concentration distribution as well as an aerosol optical thickness much closer to observations.
During their transport, dust particles are subject to a variety of processes like sedimentation or buoyant mixing that may lead to the presence of dust particles in the lower layer of the atmosphere. In particular, a breeze circulation due to vegetation boundaries have been observed and highlighted by the simulation results. Moreover, evidence of links between area of dust sedimentation and breeze localization exist in the simulation results as well as in the observations. Then, the concentration of dust particles transported in the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) and retrieved in the Monsoon Layer (ML) will be quantified.