The Weather Forecasting and Research (WRF) model version 3 was utilized to conduct numerical model simulations. Three tropical cyclones that were associated with AEWs and related MCSs or squall lines over continental West Africa that progressed off the coast, later achieving at least tropical storm strength, were selected to be investigated. These three tropical cyclones were: Tropical Storm Debby (2006), Hurricane Helene (2006), and Hurricane Josephine (2008).
Results demonstrated that the nested (i.e., 30 Km and 10 Km grid-spacing domains) WRF model simulation was able to recapture the evolution of each MCS or squall line in association with AEWs during all three events. Sensitivity experiments suggested that reducing the elevation of the Guinea Highlands produces an outcome with significant consequences in relation to TC-genesis. Although the highest peaks of the Guinea Highlands are only approximately 1300 m, simulation results suggested that topographic blocking may play an important role which enhances low level cyclonic flow. Another sensitivity case mimicking dust effects from the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) in microphysical processes demonstrated that more dirty air could potentially enhance cyclonic circulations as well as amounts of precipitation during the early stage of the cyclogenesis. On a larger scale, the impact of possible dry-air intrusion in association with SAL dust outbreaks that transport high concentrations of dust by meridional winds into favorable areas of TC-genesis just off the West African coast was evident.