The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) C-band radar was operated at the Niamey, Niger International Airport from July-September 2006 and 2007 performing volume scans roughly every 10 min. The synoptic scale environment and mesoscale structure of organized convective events impacting Niamey during these two years is summarized. We focus on the difference between convective events during favorable and marginal convective environments associated with seasonal and intra-seasonal north-south movements of the ITD. To characterize the synoptic environment in these two regimes we utilize radiosondes and European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting Interim reanalyses. The characteristics of the convection are examined using the MIT radar observations. The relative amounts of convective and stratiform rainfall and the vertical structure of divergence and reflectivity for cases in these two regimes are examined in the context of changes in the synoptic-scale environment. Two WRF simulation case studies are presented to examine these results in more detail. These simulations were chosen to be representative of the northern and southern ITD position regimes.