Thursday, 25 October 2018
Stowe & Atrium rooms (Stoweflake Mountain Resort )
We examine factors that contributed to tornadogenesis failure in the 26 May 2010 Prospect Valley, Colorado, supercell during a time period (2218-2248 UTC) when several sub-tornadic-strength vortices without funnel clouds were observed. The analysis relies on dual-Doppler wind syntheses obtained from two Doppler-on-Wheels radars and thermodynamic measurements provided by mobile mesonets and proximity soundings. One strength of this dataset is the small distance between the low-level mesocyclone and radars, which allows for three-dimensional wind retrievals below 100 m AGL. We will examine what attributes of the storm’s thermodynamic and kinematic fields might have precluded the intensification of the vortices, in addition to aspects of the environment that were unfavorable (e.g., a relatively high LCL). The presentation will include trajectory and circulation analyses very near to the surface, as well as comparisons to other tornadic and nontornadic storms intercepted by VORTEX2.