In 2017, data were collected on 12 days in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Wyoming, and Nebraska. Highlights included: three tornadoes in supercells, two of which formed in a cyclic manner; many non-tornadic supercells; bores generated above a gust front/outflow boundary from a severe, multicell storm; large hail on several occasions, including baseball-size – 3 inch diameter hail.
In 2018, data were collected on 13 days in Oklahoma, Kansas, Wyoming, and South Dakota. Highlights included: the evolution of a tornadic storm from a near first echo/ordinary cell stage through supercell formation and tornadogenesis; the structure of an intense QLCS vortex; the split of a convective storm; supercell evolution including simultaneous time-lapse video documentation; mammatus structure and evolution at the rear of an MCS; and the characteristics of a smoke plume from a forest fire. Doppler spectra were also collected in a tornadic supercell. The 2018 storm season was unusual in that there were no deployments in March or April.
A brief summary of the data collected along with opportunities for research projects will be given.