Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Stowe & Atrium rooms (Stoweflake Mountain Resort )
Polarimetric radar signatures provide insight into the dynamical and microphysical processes occurring throughout the lifecycle of severe storms. Despite recent upgrades to dual-polarization capabilities, the spatial and temporal resolution of the NEXRAD network are insufficient to fully capture finescale processes that occur on the order of seconds rather than minutes, such as tornadogenesis. On 20 May 2013, the PX-1000 was operating at OU Westheimer Airport in a 2.6° single elevation PPI scanning strategy, providing updates every 20 s from 191459 to 203951 UTC and fully capturing all lifecycle stages of the supercell and an EF-5 tornado that tracked through Moore, Oklahoma.
This analysis will focus on the evolution of polarimetric radar signatures from PX-1000 and NEXRAD data during the tornadogenesis and tornado intensification periods to examine changes in storm organization and intensity. High-temporal resolution PX-1000 data will be used to explore polarimetric radar signatures, including the ZDR arc, KDP foot, hook echo, hail signature, and tornado debris signature. An emphasis will be placed on changes in polarimetric radar signatures during lightning jumps, a storm merger, tornadogenesis, and tornado intensification.