94 Analysis of a QLCS Vortex and Multiple Vortices Within a Mesocyclone Using S-Band and Close-Range X-Band Doppler Radar

Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Stowe & Atrium rooms (Stoweflake Mountain Resort )
Dylan W. Reif, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and H. B. Bluestein and Z. B. Wienhoff

On 2-3 May 2018, a Rapid-Scan, X-Band, Polarimetric (RaXPol) Doppler Radar collected close-range (within 8 km) polarimetric data of a high precipitation (HP) supercell near Frederick, OK in southwestern OK that evolved into a quasi-linear convective system (QLCS). The mesocyclone of the HP supercell had multiple vortices within it. This QLCS was associated with a number of different vortices along the line, including one that produced a small, brief funnel cloud. After these brief vortices, the system evolved into a bowing segment with wind speeds >~40 m/s. It is hypothesized that the vertical vorticity created by horizontal wind shear associated with the rear-flank downdraft contributed to the genesis of the vortices. The evolution into a bowing system was likely influenced by the rear-inflow jet from a separate system that moved in from the southwest that interacted with this QLCS system. RaXPol observations as well as observations from the Frederick, OK WSR-88D radar will be used to discuss the evolution of the system, to track the multiple vortices within the HP supercell mesocyclone, and to investigate these hypotheses.
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