Thursday, 7 June 2018: 11:00 AM
Colorado B (Grand Hyatt Denver)
NCEP FV3 is an atmospheric model with shallow-atmosphere non-hydrostatic dynamics. Beyond shallow-atmosphere non-hydrostatic dynamics, it can be configured to provide fully non-approximated deep atmospheric dynamics. Developing deep atmospheric dynamics (DAD) for NCEP FV3 is an essential step which not only moves model dynamics towards greater accuracy, benefitting all applications (including weather and climate) but also supports the efforts of NCEP/SWPC on whole atmosphere modeling (WAM) to couple with upper atmospheric models or space weather models, such as SWPC IPE. The depth of NCEP operational atmospheric models, e.g., GFS or CFS, is about 60km (so shallow atmosphere), but the depth of WAM is about 600 km. Since the atmospheric gas compositions have significant differences between lower (60km) and upper atmosphere up to 500-600km, the generalized multiple-constituent formulation for thermodynamics (Juang 2011) is used in DAD and the convenient form of DAD equation sets (Juang 2017) are adopted for easy implementation. Several steps have been carried out to test FV3 in an extended vertical domain from 60 km to 600 km, and some interesting findings will be presented.