Observations are an integral part of any data assimilation system. Hence, ocean observations from various sources (SST from satellites, altimeters, profiles, XBT’s, moorings, sea-ice cover, buoys, etc.) are collected and served via NCEP data-tanks to all its operational models. NCODA has an advanced Quality Control (QC)/ Quality Analysis (QA) module which works in conjunction with its 3D variational (VAR) assimilation algorithm. Tools are being developed to reformat ocean data from NCEP data-tanks to enable ingest into NCODA. Results from this QC/QA system along with climatology and model forecasts will be discussed.
Under a separate effort, a community-based unified data assimilation system is being developed through the JEDI (Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration) framework which will also include support for ocean data assimilation needs at NCEP. The eventual transition to operations to a unified DA system based on JEDI for real-time ocean analysis will also allow for development of a coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea ice data assimilation system. This unified DA system will be capable of providing initial conditions for all coupled modeling systems targeted for transition to operations at NCEP. Some salient features of this proposed unified DA system, which enable quick R2O, will also be discussed.