Thursday, 7 June 2018: 8:15 AM
Colorado A (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Section 201 of the Weather Research and Forecasting Act of 2017, defines and authorizes NOAA’s Sub-seasonal and Seasonal (S2S) forecast responsibilities. In accordance with this Act, a team drawn from across NOAA is preparing a report to Congress documenting NOAA’s S2S activities. This report will address (i) current S2S products and services; (ii) goals and plans for continued development; (iii) and forecasting requirements driving longer-ranged investments in research, observations and monitoring. This presentation will share preliminary findings in these areas with a particular focus on the end-to-end S2S forecast process, and NOAA’s plans for coupled modeling via the Unified Forecast System, ensembles, post-processing, and stakeholder-driven products and services.