7B.4 Building Functional Similar Testing System for Community Researchers to Contribute Operational Storm-Scale Data Assimilation

Tuesday, 5 June 2018: 2:15 PM
Colorado B (Grand Hyatt Denver)
Ming Hu, NOAA/ESRL/GSD and CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and G. Ge, C. Zhou, C. R. Alexander, and S. Weygandt

The Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) serves as a bridge between the research and operational data assimilation communities by making the operational data assimilation system available as a community resource and providing a mechanism for the committing of contributions from the research community to the operational data assimialtion system.

The high-resolution rapid refresh (HRRR) is a key component of the NCEP operational modeling suite to provide high-resolution storm-scale model forecast. The HRRR system is not only used as the backbone of accurate short-range and severe weather, aviation, and energy forecasting, its model physics and data assimilation configurations will also be used as reference to build the next generation FV3-based operational storm-scale modeling system. A functionally similar operational HRRR testing system that is available for the use by the research community is a critical link to encouraging the broader storm-scale modeling community to make their research available to operations. The DTC is building and maintaining such an operational HRRR system on NCAR’s supercomputer and make this system available to the research community .

This presentation will introuduce such testing system in details and discuss the possible paths for the reaserch community to contribute to the operational data assimilation through this system.

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