To understand the evolution and predictability of cold frontal and land-breeze frontal circulations during this LeS event, we run limited-area, 20-member Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) ensemble simulations at 1.33-km horizontal grid spacing for three different initialization times. While the ensembles use BCs from the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), ICs are generated using continuously cycled, ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) data assimilation based on the NCAR Data Assimilation Research Testbed system.
From the EnKF IC/GEFS BC ensembles, we quantify the extent, orientation, and intensity of LeS and its interaction with the cold frontal and land-breeze frontal circulations. Furthermore, we assess the precipitation and frontal forecast uncertainty as a function of lead time. By quantifying the spread in intensity and position of both the fronts and LeS bands in these IC/BC ensemble simulations, we analyze the predictability horizon of the mesoscale details for this event. The WRF forecasts are also evaluated against OWLeS snowfall, rawinsonde, and radar observations to understand how the ensemble distributions of snowband morphologies, snowfall amounts, and frontal locations compare to observations. Ultimately, we are working to understand how the predictability of this LeS event is modulated by uncertainties in the interaction of multiscale frontal circulations with the complex shoreline geometry of Lake Ontario.