Large ensemble spread in the intensity forecasts reveals both the practical and intrinsic limits of predictability of this storm, before and during its genesis. Preliminary composite analysis of developing versus non-developing members shows that the middle-level moisture and low-level vorticity are two of the primary contributors for the tropical cyclone formation. However, the relationship between genesis and these two contributing factors is by no means linear. Furthermore, the initial moisture or low-level vorticity in some developing storms can be lower than those in some non-developing storms. Also, the initial differences between some developing and non-developing storms may be approaching the measurement accuracy of dropsondes, which are currently one of the most reliable observing platforms.
We also performed a series of sensitivity experiments to examine the impact of the diurnal cycle on the genesis of Karl. Preliminary analysis shows that the diurnal cycle may have significantly affected the timing of genesis in some ensemble members. The diurnal cycle also affects the storm intensity during genesis.