Session 8 |
| Forecast Demonstration Project—Sydney 2000 |
| Organizers: Tom Keenan, BMRC, Melbourne, Vic. Australia; Cynthia K. Mueller, NCAR, Boulder, CO
| 8:30 AM | 8.1 | The World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) Sydney 2000 Forecast Demonstration Project: Overview T. Keenan, BMRC, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; and J. Wilson, P. I. Joe, C. Collier, B. Golding, D. Burgess, R. Carbone, A. Seed, P. T. May, L. Berry, J. Bally, and C. Pierce |
| 9:00 AM | 8.2 | Overview of Sydney weather during the Forecast Demonstration Project Robert M. Webb, BMRC, Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia; and A. B. A. Treloar, J. R. Colquhoun, R. J. Potts, J. Bally, T. D. Keenan, and P. T. May |
| 9:15 AM | 8.3 | Assimilating radar, surface, and profiler data for the Sydney 2000 Forecast Demonstration Project N. Andrew Crook, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. Sun |
| 9:30 AM | 8.4 | Severe Storm Detection Algorithms for the S2000 Project Donald W. Burgess, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and P. I. Joe, R. Potts, T. D. Keenan, P. T. May, D. Mitchell, B. Conway, A. Treloar, D. Sills, and D. Hudak |
| 9:45 AM | 8.5 | Sydney 2000 Field Demonstration Project—Convective Storm Nowcasting James W. Wilson, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and C. Pierce, A. Seed, M. Sleigh, R. Roberts, and C. Mueller |
| 10:00 AM | 8.6 | Generating Severe Weather Warnings from TITAN and SCIT Thunderstorm Tracks. John Bally, BMRC, Melbourne, Vic., Australia |
| 10:15 AM | 8.7 | A dynamic and spatial scaling approach to advection forecasting A. W. Seed, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Vic., Australia; and T. D. Keenan |
| 10:30 AM | | Coffee Break
| 10:31 AM | | Exhibit Hours 10:30–11:30 A.M.
| 11:00 AM | 8.8 | Meteorological aspects of the 3 November 2000 severe storms in Sydney, Australia David M. L. Sills, MSC, King City, ON, Canada; and J. Wilson, C. Mueller, N. Fox, D. Burgess, P. I. Joe, P. Dunda, and R. Webb |
| 11:15 AM | 8.9 | Assessing the impact of advanced nowcasting systems on severe weather warning dissemination Neil I. Fox, University of Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom; and E. Mitchell, P. Dunda, J. Bally, G. Freeman, C. Pierce, M. Sleigh, D. Sills, and T. D. Keenan |
| 11:30 AM | 8.10 | Forecast verification activities for the Sydney 2000 Forecast Demonstration Project Barbara G. Brown, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. Bally, H. E. Brooks, B. Casati, E. Ebert, M. Jaeneke, P. Nurmi, D. Stephenson, and L. Wilson |
| 11:45 AM | 8.11 | Comparison of forecasts of widespread precipitation during the Sydney 2000 forecast project Norman Donaldson, MSC, King City, ON, Canada; and M. W. Sleigh, C. Pierce, A. Seed, and T. Saxon |
|  | 8.12 | World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) Forecast Demonstration Project (FDP) Sydney 2000: review of the performance of the Met Office's Nimrod system, UK Clive E. Pierce, Joint Centre for Hydrometeorological Research, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Oxford, United Kingdom |
| 12:00 PM | 8.13 | The performance of the GANDOLF nowcasting system during the Sydney 2000 Forecast Demonstration Project Michael W. Sleigh, Univeristy of Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom; and N. I. Fox, C. G. Collier, and C. E. Pierce |