Tuesday, 1 April 2014: 9:30 AM
Pacific Ballroom (Town and Country Resort )
As part of the preparation for the reanalysis, research on Hurricane Camille uncovered new data useful to the reanalysis. Focus was placed on understanding the internal structure in a modern context, especially whether eyewall replacement cycles occurred, including comparisons with a similar hurricane used as a proxy. Synoptic analysis revealed new information about the environment surrounding the storm prior to landfall on the Northern Gulf Coast. A more detailed understanding was gained of the tropical wave and genesis phases. In addition, a 901 dropsonde that was later rejected was reanalyzed to find out why, and to see if a good MSLP could be determined, and an evaluation was made of the last recon mission and the conclusions regarding intensity at that time. A radar "loop" was constructed from archived WSR-57 film, including landfall, marking the very first time that this historic hurricane can be viewed in a time-lapse movie format as we view hurricanes today. An assessment was made regards the eye size and landfall location. New landfall surface pressures were discovered. Anemometer traces were reviewed to see what could be learned about the storm structure.