In October and November, during the increase of convective activity of the MJO, S-PolKa detected non-squall MCSs that were maintained by new convection entering the stratiform regions of pre-existing MCSs. This behavior of the convection occurred when the low-level zonal winds were weak and directional shear was strong. However, in December when the low-level zonal winds were strong and the directional shear was weak, squall MCSs with a leading-line and trailing stratiform structure were observed.
Despite these large-scale structural differences, these two types of MCSs had similar hydrometeor organization relative to the airflow when a mid-level inflow was identifiable in the stratiform region. Ice particles in stratiform regions generally occurred in a layered configuration independent of the environment and mesoscale dynamics of the MCSs. Within the upper portions of the stratiform regions small ice crystals dominated. Below the relatively large region of small crystals, aggregation occurred and a smaller region of dry aggregates was identified. Finally, near the freezing level these aggregates began to melt and a band of wet aggregates was identified. This band of wet aggregates became fragmented in the anvil. Numerous brightbands, whose intensity exceeded 40 dBZ, were characterized by a thin band of graupel/rimed aggregates located just above the wet aggregates. We are currently investigating if these hydrometeors were graupel that resulted from riming within the stratiform updraft or if these particles were very large aggregates that were melting. Isolated regions of horizontally oriented ice particles were located near echo top and scattered in the stratiform. While the horizontally oriented ice crystals near echo top were likely associated with entrainment induced evaporation, horizontally oriented ice particles in the interior of the echo likely represented regions of dendrite formation. While light rain was most common in stratiform regions, the rain intensity systematically decreased towards the anvil possible due to evaporation or differential sedimentation. Additionally, coalescence sometimes occurred near the surface in these lightly raining regions. Heavy rain only occurred in stratiform regions close to where the mid-level inflow intersected the surface, suggesting that these cases had characteristics that were more convective.
Particle identification algorithms based on dual-polarization radar are difficult to verify and have not been previously used along the equator. We evaluate the uncertainty in our classifications by investigation how alternative particle identification algorithms classify these data. Despite these inherent uncertainties, the systematic organization identified by these PIDs is notable, lending confidence to the validity of our conceptual diagram. This conceptual model presents a means to qualitatively compare model output to radar observations.