To assess the MJO multiscale variability an index of the intraseasonal MJO is defined that retains low and high frequency variability of tropical convection associated with the MJO. The index is based on the first two empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) of latitudinally averaged (15S-15N) and band pass filtered (20-100 days) brightness temperature (Tb), but retains the low frequencies by projecting the full daily Tb anomalies onto the EOF patterns. The variance of the first and second EOF is 23% and 17% respectively.
Spectral analysis of the two principal components (PC1,2) reveals very different characteristics for PC1 and PC2. Both show a distinct spectral peak at the mean MJO frequency of 0.02cpd with more power in the PC1 spectrum. The PC2 spectrum has a substantial amount of power at low frequencies (<0.01cpd), dominating the PC1 spectrum and even the MJO peak power. The diagnostic yields a period of 49 days and a decay time of 10-13 days, which is close to previous estimates of the prediction limits for the MJO, although slightly on the low side. In addition, there is less forcing variance on the PC2 time series as estimated by the diagnostic. Both, the increased low frequency power and the lower forcing variance of PC2, are related to the spatial pattern associated with PC2. The main loading of EOF2 is located between 90E-150E in the western Pacific warm pool, where generally the warmest sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are found. Due to this PC2 has a much stronger El Ni\~no - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signal (also visible in the time series) than PC1, and convection in this region can be initiated by small perturbations on the warm SST background state. ENSO appears to have only a minor influence on PC1 variability.
Estimates of period and decay time depend on the index used in the diagnostic. Convection based MJO indeces and indeces that include information about the circulation (RMM) are compared. Seasonal variability of the estimated period and decay time is assessed.