Using the National Center for Atmospheric Research Weather Research and Forecasting model (NCAR WRF; Skamarock et al. 2008) we simulate three intense tropical cyclone events that have affected the Queensland coastline during the last 5 years (Yasi 2011, Ita 2014, Marcia 2015) under current and projected future, 2070-2100, (RCP8.5) conditions. The RCP8.5 scenario is provided by an NCAR Community Earth System Model (CESM, Monaghan et al. 2014) realization. In response to this scenario, the tropical cyclone events increase in wind speed up to 20%, and increase in size by 20-35% compared to the simulations under current conditions. Further, the systems' central pressure is reduced by ~10hPa and critically this intensity is maintained longer in the life cycle, up to landfall. The future scenarios also result in the systems tracking further south and making landfall around 75-100 km further poleward. The increased size, intensity, and altered trajectory suggest that, under future climatic conditions, a wider extent of the Great Barrier Reef and coastal environment is at risk from amplified tropical cyclone damage when events occur, including locations that may be unaffected by intense storms in the current environment.
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